IASSolution UPSC Prelims Test Series Timetable 2019 – Study Plan and Schedule of Tests

The much-awaited prelims test series timetable cum study plan is here. IASSolution well-designed timetable helps you to focused and consistent throughout the year. You can download the PDF copy of the timetable.

IASSolution Prelims Test Series Timetable

Join IASSolution Test Series

The Test series subscribers get the following advantage

  • Immediate access to all uploaded mock tests
  • No need to pay for upcoming paid mock tests
  • Test series subscribers will get Monthly Current affairs Tests without any additional cost.
  • IASSolution Test series Subscribers will get detailed book list and Timetable.
  • As an initial offer, first 50 test series subscribers will get flat 50 percent off. The full test series now cost you just Rs 5999 2999.

Download IASSolution Prelims Test Series Timetable as PDF

You can Download the timetable as high-quality PDF from our online store.

All pieces of information of IASSolution Prelims Online Test Series, separate packages are included in this PDF.

Freedom to take as per your Convenience

Our Team uploads the tests as per the schedule but after the test, date aspirants can take the test any time if they desire to attend the mocks.

For instance, we uploaded  Indian Polity(101-PT) on 25th July 2019 then aspirants can attempt the test at any time on or after 25th July. Aspirants have the freedom to attend these test(s)  till the exam date of UPSC Prelims(2nd June 2019).

After the attempt of every individual test, you can analyze your performance.  Performance overview is an area where you can analyze your performance. Here you can find detailed analyses of your marks and all India Ranks.

Join IASSolution Test Series

IASSolution UPSC Prelims Online Test Series-  Plan, Prepare and Perform (PPP).

We prepared the detailed study timetable for UPSC Prelims 2019 with a great vision to help aspirants in their self-study. Last year, helped lots of students to crack UPSC Prelims with flying colors while many other overrated and overpriced coaching institutes failed to do the same.

IASSolution Prelims Test Series Timetable is systematically cover full syllabus and current affairs. In recent trends, current affairs have a clear upper hand in UPSC Prelims Exam than the static part. Thus, we included current affairs mock tests at the beginning of every month.

We advise you to strictly follow IASSolution Timetable to effective preparation and keeping the consistency to the whole year.

You can download IASSolution Timetable as PDF. Plan, Prepare and Perform (PPP).

UPSC Prelims Success is not about 16-hour-long study but it is all about your Plan, Strategy, Preparation and Practice

IASSolution Prelims Test Series is designed with Knowledge Zone which is the area you will get detailed answers and explanations for every individual question.

You don’t need to worry even if you did not complete the specific topics/books for a particular exam. Either you can learn while you take the tests or you can test your knowledge while you learn. Moreover, you can complete the same subject/topic test at the next level.

After the completion of every individual test, analyze your performance and mistakes.  Revise and study the important facts and concepts from “Knowledge Zone”. Then prepare for next scheduled mock tests as per the detailed study plan(timetable).

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